President Sandy Feldkamp (right) presents a check to Susie Busekrus (left) for Warren County Literacy in support of Dolly Parton’s Books from Birth program.
Books from Birth
Our Kiwanis club raises funds for Warren County Literacy to support Books from Birth. Children in the Warrenton area will receive one book a month from birth to age 5 years old. Our club is committed to helping to maintain this program for the children in our community.
College Scholarships
Our Kiwanis club raises funds to offer college scholarships to graduating high school seniors from Warrenton High School.
Hunter was our first Scholarship winner. He is pictured with Kiwanis member, Assistant Superintendent Aaron Jones
Key Club Sponsor
Our Key Club chartered in January 2020 at Warrenton High School.
Our Kiwanis club supports Key Club service projects, facilitate the Key Club meetings and provide mentorships. Covid-19 halted the Key Club in early 2020. We are eagerly waiting to begin this new club again.
Kiwanis Terrific Kids Sponsor
Pizza, certificates, pens and ice cream coupons! We honor student achievement through their deeds and actions at school. We are planning to start a Terrific Kids program at Rebecca Boone Elementary School.
Quarterly Community Recognition
Our Kiwanis club appreciates the many people in our community who make a difference. These people go above and beyond in their jobs or in their actions in the community. See some of the great people we’ve recognized below:
Kiwanis member Michelle Bernth is presented a certificate and gift card from President Sandy Feldkamp. Michelle is in charge at Agape in Warrenton. She does an amazing job helping people in our community.This is Deb Linke from the Warren County R-III School District. She is one of our first Quarterly Award winners and was presented a certificate and gift card at the school by Kiwanis member Aaron Jones. Deb is in charge of Food Services for the School District and was instrumental in handling curbside food being distributed.
Are you ready to join us? Go to our Contact Us page and someone will get back to you soon.
What We Do
Books from Birth
Our Kiwanis club raises funds for Warren County Literacy to support Books from Birth. Children in the Warrenton area will receive one book a month from birth to age 5 years old. Our club is committed to helping to maintain this program for the children in our community.
College Scholarships
Our Kiwanis club raises funds to offer college scholarships to graduating high school seniors from Warrenton High School.
Key Club Sponsor
Our Kiwanis club supports Key Club service projects, facilitate the Key Club meetings and provide mentorships. Covid-19 halted the Key Club in early 2020. We are eagerly waiting to begin this new club again.
Kiwanis Terrific Kids Sponsor
Pizza, certificates, pens and ice cream coupons! We honor student achievement through their deeds and actions at school. We are planning to start a Terrific Kids program at Rebecca Boone Elementary School.
Quarterly Community Recognition
Our Kiwanis club appreciates the many people in our community who make a difference. These people go above and beyond in their jobs or in their actions in the community. See some of the great people we’ve recognized below:
Are you ready to join us? Go to our Contact Us page and someone will get back to you soon.
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Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting