Warren County R-III School District has hard working faculty and staff. Warrenton Area Kiwanis members decided to show these awesome teachers that we really appreciate them. So we delivered cookies to each school plus the bus drivers. Holy Rosary School was shown appreciation too. This is the 2nd year we’ve delivered cookies to our educators and they were so happy to receive them!
Teacher Appreciation
Warren County R-III School District has hard working faculty and staff. Warrenton Area Kiwanis members decided to show these awesome teachers that we really appreciate them. So we delivered cookies to each school plus the bus drivers. Holy Rosary School was shown appreciation too. This is the 2nd year we’ve delivered cookies to our educators and they were so happy to receive them!
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Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting