TEACHER APPRECIATION: Kiwanis members wanted the teachers & bus drivers at all the surrounding schools to know how much we appreciate their work, especially during these last two years during the pandemic. So we delivered cookies and a Certificate of Appreciations for their dedication to their students.
Service in the Community
TEACHER APPRECIATION: Kiwanis members wanted the teachers & bus drivers at all the surrounding schools to know how much we appreciate their work, especially during these last two years during the pandemic. So we delivered cookies and a Certificate of Appreciations for their dedication to their students.
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Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting
Kiwanis Warrenton Area Meeting